Interested in joining our board? Inquire with the Executive Director or a board member.

We are volunteers that meet once a month, with a couple month break over the summer months, at the Camrose Children’s Centre. Child care can be provided for board meetings on request. There are also several sub committees that work with the board. We are always looking for parent volunteers to be involved with day care projects!

Camrose Children’s Centre Annual General Meeting is in November, all day home providers and parents are welcome to attend to see what has been happening around the centre and day homes throughout the year and help celebrate our employees milestones.

Responsibility for the day-to-day operation of the child care services will reside within the Board of Directors as designated by its constitution.  Any requests for changes in policies and practices shall be submitted, in writing, to the Board of Directors.  The Board shall then give 30 days notice to parents using the services, of any new or proposed changes in policies and procedures.